Friday, December 19, 2008

Busy, busy

Needless to say...this has been a busy week in the postal I am loaded up and ready to go. I really should have taken pictures of all the parcels I had poor LLV could barely hold them

We did have a nice little surprise yesterday. A local private school sings several Christmas songs to us every year. A little kindergarten class serenades us a few carols. They are so precious. They really get into it and sing with all their hearts.

They also bring us lots...and lots...and lots of homemade goodies....yummy....

I've been recruited to sew the Tater Tot this little Christmas dress, so I'm off to cut this out. It will have to be done by Monday, cause I'll be swamped next week. I just heard that I'll have to work Christmas day. Word is because I don't have little children at home....

Anyhoo, after I cut the dress, I may take a cue from the kitties.....


Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Laura - now I know who has been visiting my blog from Charleston, SC! It is so wonderful to stumble onto your blog and see what you do! Thanks so much for coming by mine...and as a woman who spent many summers during her youth in South Carolina on her grandparents is nice to have someone from "home" visiting me!

Laura said...

Carolyn! How nice of you to drop by my blog! I found your blog about 6 months ago and I love it. I'm in awe of your sewing talents. How nice to hear from someone with SC connections, too.

Holly said...

Oh man, you have to work Sunday? I'm sorry. Hope you get paid double time. Those kitties look like they have the right idea.

Anonymous said...

Oh, your kitties look so warm and snuggly!!! What a precious, precious picture!! I know you must be so very busy this time of year! I'm truly sorry you will have to work on Christmas day. I will be praying for you. Those boys and girls caroling for you must have truly lifted your heart!! If you have time, I would love to see pictures of the Christmas dress you are making!

In response to your question about the Keith Green song, yes I have heard it. I actually went to a Keith Green concert when I was in junior high school with a group from my church, and then a few months later I went to hear his pregnant widow speaking. Seeing her on that stage, so very pregnant, talking about the loss of her husband and the goodness of God made an indelible impression on my young mind!

Laura said...

Oh wow! He and his family were (are) such an inspiration. I had all of his LP's (rmemeber those?). I need to get them on cd or ipod now.
I'm sewing the dress today. I'm taking lots of pics. I'm going to so try to post them tonight b/c I don't think I'll have time tomorrow....we'll see.