They not only pulled the garland off the tree, they shredded it. They also pulled their little cat toy onto the couch and totally twisted it up in the garland. lol
Fabric In...Fabric Out
2 days ago
Finally, brethren,... whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;...think on these things.
They not only pulled the garland off the tree, they shredded it. They also pulled their little cat toy onto the couch and totally twisted it up in the garland. lol
hmmm...this reason #622 of why cats and I cannot live together...good luck to you! :)
Thanks for the chuckle. Years ago I decided to hang homemade gingerbread cookies on the tree. One of my cats ate all the ones she could reach then had diahrrea all over the house. I don't do edible ornaments anymore :)
ROFL, Holly. I don't blame you a bit for not making those again! lol The worst problem I ever had with edible ornaments was to keep my kids out of them. lol
Oh my goodness!! Your beautiful tree is destroyed! Gizmo must be part squirrel! I'm so sorry that happened, but I have to admit I laughed out loud (and gasped) when I read your post. I don't have a Christmas tree for that very reason--Emilia would utterly destroy it. Emilia is my grey kitty who looks like she might have some Maine Coon in her. She's a mixed breed, and she's on the small side but my veterinarian thinks she does have some Maine Coon in her genes. She keeps me entertained, and exasperated! I'm so glad to have found your wonderful blog. I'm a fairly new sewer and learn a lot from more experienced sewers like you.
You and me both! There's a thought. Stuff the cats into the tree.
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