Well, I'm tying off and blocking my inserts, yokes and bishops. I'll start on the back-smocking tonight. I'm supposedly off tomorrow, so if no one calls out I'll be able to get a good bit done.

I bought this smocking board. I'm going to try to pin this bishop to it and see if it'll help it block in shape. I've never used one before and I'm not even sure that it's necessary. We'll see...

I bought this fabric mover on eBay a few weeks ago. I saw it in action at a local quilt show and it seems to work pretty well. When I saw it on ebay, I bid and got a REALLY good deal on it. yee haw...lol Then I got his little quilt top. It was advertised as a cutter quilt, so I bid on it, got it for six dollars and will use it to practice my fabric mover. This poor little top isn't put together very well so it'll probably drive me crazy trying to practice quilting on it. See two of my kitties checking it out?

Speaking of kitties. When I took the little kitten, Lizzie, that I found in the mail truck engine to teh vet, she told me it was Maine Coon. She also tol me Lizzie was going to be "large and in charge". lol Well, I googled Maine Coon and this is one of the pictures I got. I'd say this cat is large and in charge...wouldn't you? lol
Laura - when I first learned to smock, I learned to block and tie off using that cork board...and have used it for every smocked outfit/dress I've made over the past 21 years! I pin my pleated piece to it, block and tie off, take the fabric off the board and smock. (I originally learned to leave the fabric pinned to the board - smock with the fabric on the board - when smocking completed, then unpin the dress from the board....was very uncomfortable with an 8 and 9 month pregnant belly.)
In that last picture, that isn't a cat! That's a small lion! I hope you are stocking up on cat food already if that's the size Lizzie is going to be!
I know...that is one big cat!! I'll have to put an updated picture of my little Maine Coon kitty. She's already outgrown her sisters!
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