Finally, brethren,... whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;...think on these things.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
On my...
Did I mention that I like to read?!? I either need more nooks and crannies or I need to do something about these books and magazines. This is the only way my house is cluttered...everything else is neat! (not counting kids' rooms)
My first thought upon awakening this morning was...."I have to begin de-cluttering this house...we have too much stuff we don't use anymore" and I thought about it all day today. Now ask me if I did anything about it..."No" - I sewed a bit instead. But once I start - look out!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I'm a woman of many interests. I so love anything to do with a needle. My favorite at present is sewing for my wonderful grandchildren whether it's doll clothes, Halloween costumes, or little smocked outfits. I also love reading and Jesus...not necessarily in that order. ;) I have 3 beautiful daughters, 1 son, 4 beautiful granddaughters, and 1 grandson. Life is good.
My first thought upon awakening this morning was...."I have to begin de-cluttering this house...we have too much stuff we don't use anymore" and I thought about it all day today. Now ask me if I did anything about it..."No" - I sewed a bit instead. But once I start - look out!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I'm a reader, too. I looked through your bookshelf and find that we have read a lot of the same books.
Hey, didn't your pick win Project Runway?
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